Friday, August 5, 2011

"Word Artist"- A Poem

I am not a writer.
I am an artist whose medium is
My materials consist of pens (mostly gel, my favorite),
Old journals or college ruled loose leaf,
And my mind.
I don’t like to work with music on.
Although, sometimes on certain days it’s nice.
My studio can be anywhere,
But my room is pleasant
With its two windows outlined by blue curtains.
The afternoon is good brainstorming time,
Especially around 3 o’ clock when the sun is at its highest.
At times, I get frustrated.
I have to tell myself that the creative winds will blow,
Just be patient.
I make a lot of duds,
I don’t trash them though,
I put them in a folder for future inspiration or reference.
Being a word artist is hard.
Some people don’t understand it,
Others don’t care for it.
But that’s ok.
It’s not for them,
It’s for me.

1 comment:

  1. This is very nice, Vidra. I am familiar with your surroundings, so now I know where you prepare for your, oh, so many thoughts. I like that. Somedays around 3 pm, I will think about you.
    much love,
