Saturday, February 2, 2013

"I Used To Be Good At Analogies"- A Poem

you took my heart and didn't even know it
like when 
i guess i can't find an analogy 
because you are one 

why is all i want to ask, why?
because we both know
only we do

and unsaid words ought to be the most
painful things
worse than drowning, worst is over
now it's just waiting
and dying of hope
that's the worst way to die, i think,
of (hope)

"Debate"- A Poem

When my eyes are fluttering
and I can hear the highways through my window
that's when I say the things I believe most
the things that make me scared of my own being
my own soul

but I don't think you should be afraid of me
i won't harm you
that much is not exactly said for myself, though

and I try to make it work, make
but nothing ever does.
nothing ever does sit nicely 
like worn history books on a shelf

things get thrown 
ruined, soiled
by other things
and these other things
are what keep me up when the moon is 
telling me secrets
and answers to my questions

I now realize that 
I'm playing a game of tug of war with my 
soul and

god knows who will win.